Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why will God not simply answer all of our questions?

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LordFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." -Isiah 55:8-9

So let's talk about the tools of conversion, the quandaries and problems you will encounter when trying to convert the illogical atheist we discussed in July. There are several roadblocks you will come across, and I will try to help you overcome them, one post at a time over the next several months. Too many times, when talking to non believers, we use tactics and scriptures that move us, without considering what will move our counterpart. So let's take a more logical approach to this.

One of the many arguments I used as an atheist was a simple question. Why does God hide everything from us? Why will he not just tell me what his plan is and what he wants me to do? Why does God "work in mysterious ways"? If he loves me so much, why is he so secretive? 

The answer is simple. We are incapable of understanding what His plan is. We cannot fathom the plans He makes, we cannot understand His motives. Think of it this way. If you were sitting on your front porch, drinking a cup of tea you just brewed on the stove and an ant walked across the bench, would you try to explain something as simple as brewing tea to him? Of course not. He is simply incapable of understanding the subject at hand. For that matter, he is too simple to speak or understand your words. He cannot reason, he cannot grasp the concept. No matter how long he stopped in front of you and seemed to beg for that little piece of knowledge, you wouldn't bother explaining it. He would have to just accept the fact you knew what you were doing, and he was powerless to change it, or understand it.

We are the ant, and God is the tea sipping gentleman, sitting on the porch, watching us walk around, taking care of us, but not explaining the how's or why's.

Our Father is not like us. Yes, He made us in His image, that is true. But He did not make us like carbon copies of Him. We look like Him, and that is where most of the similarities end. He is being beyond measure. He is omnipotent, and omniscient. We are anything but those things. We cannot begin to imagine even the slightest fraction of what He is. We can only hope He explains bits and pieces of His plan to us.

This is what the atheist must understand. Their insistence upon knowing His plan is born of hubris. The ego of the atheist knows no bounds. The atheist does not understand why his Father won't simply explain all the answers he is seeking. Like a frustrated child, as literal as that description is, he stomps his feet and demands to know. God does not owe him an answer. He does not deem him worthy. All the atheist can do, is pray and commune with his Father, and when the time is right, all we be made known.

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